When you see a huge snake turn the other cheek and keep running

Of the past. A bratty younger relative I never liked kept stealing my drawings and stapling it on a cardboard box in her room. Whatever I did reality reset, like a witch in a video game, everyone ignored me and believed her. For some reason I’m more impulsive in dreams. I tried beating her up and even drowning her but she wouldn’t die.

So I ran away.


I became a cat? Or was it a dog? I forget but I think I was light brown. In a rich neighborhood but houses are on platforms it was weird there was a large snake underneath a house, so I don’t make eye contact as I hurry ahead. But as I did I heard a family talking. Little boy comes out his house 1st, down the steps and the snake pounces.

Kdrama oppa who is supposed to be pop star (their neighbor) emerged from his house at the moment to witness the scene of the large snake wrapping itself around the child with me and-

I looked away.

There was more but its all vague now though I think we went to police station?

So shall we take a look? Drawings and snakes and fictional idol oppa. What do they mean?

Well stealing means I distrust that person, watching someone get attacked means that someone around me is being taken for granted and I’ll skip on fictional oppa.

I’m thankful towards my mom and sis and also know I need to get a stable job soon(doing freelancing but it doesn’t pay much, added wordsense but I read it doesn’t pay much either) 😦 and I’ve also started youtube but that also takes time as well( for people to notice your channel, I think I’ve gotten around 500 views but you need 4000 before you can monetize them)

Everything takes time. I have to tell that to myself some times when the pressure and insecurities surface every now and then. Panicking won’t help me.

Drawing Diary 4: Stocking Anarchy

Original artist from show image
I was a bit surprised at myself, drawing this version isn’t as hard as I thought
Scene from the show, meeting her boo
I tried okay! I definitely got the proportions wrong, dunno why I started with the hands then arm first 😭
Close enough! Also drawing this made me realize just how long her hair is! Or maybe I just forgot…

I’m giving myself cat sympathy grade okay?!

Thank you kitties.

Well I’ve learned something… I’m in love with the eyes but the blocky body and fingers of the chibi -didn’t realize it before, when I implement this into my own art style for this story I’ll definitely try drawing in a less blocky fashion. But I also learned I’m better drawing the blockier way? Weird.

I think my biggest challenge will be the sprites(like the picture of Stocking waving) and drawing boys. Well that’s it for today. I’ll end it with some words of wisdom I found somewhere. It’s directed mostly towards myself but if it applies to you too awesome!